Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sei So Tsui Dan Sha

Sei So Tsui Dan Sha by Shiwasu no Okina: Three mean girls discover the boy they’ve been bullying has a magical detachable penis. Then things get weird. (content notes: definitely rape, probably pedophilia, weirdly ambiguous incest-by-proxy, punchline that probably has different racial overtones than the author intended)

Shiwasu no Okina is one of my more problematic faves. On the one hand, they’ve got great cartooning chops which serve them well when they go for absurd humor, as they do here. And they’re endlessly, perversely inventive in their scenarios and sex scenes, with a strong grasp of anatomy and an ability to actually draw more than one face and body type.

On the other hand, well, their single largest work is an eight (!) tankobon-sized volume series lavishly illustrating the members of an actual teen idol group being coerced by a demon into fucking their fans. Dude rides pretty hard with the lolicon and noncon horsemen. Their body diversity unfortunately extends alarmingly far down the developmental age range, and sometimes they really emphasize (slash revel in) how much a party is not consenting to the goings-on. As mentioned: problematic.

Still, worth looking at if you can hold your nose. Sei So Tsui Dan Sha is at least sufficently absurd that the humor can carry a hardy reader through the ick factor. And of the rest of their body of work, I can recommend Nudist Beach ni Syuugaku Ryokoude which, although it has some awfully young-looking and acting characters, is at least 100% consensual. (Plot summary: class trip to nudist beach. One young man has a boner problem. His female classmates try to help. cue porn bass)

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